Thursday, April 26, 2012

Friday, June 24, 2011

Back in Myrtle Beach

Back in godforsaken Myrtle Beach in all it's summertime tacky glory.

Bill Lewis

Location:W Hwy 501,Myrtle Beach,United States

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dead Hemlocks

These hemlocks are along the east fork of the Pigeon River. Just 2 years ago they were still thriving, but have been decimated by the introduction of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid.

Efforts are being made to try and save some of the large old growth trees, but there is no hope for the others.

Location:Blue Ridge Pkwy,East Fork,United States

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Think Tank

These Turkey Vultures were out at Cowan's Ford Nature Preserve immediately following the long period in January of rain and snow. It was only in the thirties, but I can imagine the sun still felt good on the waterlogged wings. They were quite obviously getting together to do some brainstorming on a global warming strategy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Farmer's Market

 Had to go in to work this morning so stopped by the Charlotte Farmer's Market. We go there often in the summer and it is always extremely crowded. The sheds are all closed up tight but there are still lots of vendors inside with vegetables of all kinds, everything from collard greens to exotic Japanese and Korean vegetables, one farmer who specializes in growing a wide variety of mushrooms, and cut flowers. Another thing to make me long for spring and summer.  Nova*s Bakery always has fresh bread and pastries on Saturdays in the summer, and I was pleasantly surprised to see they were there today.

The older I get the more I look forward to the spring and summer. Fall is a welcome relief from the hot summers here, and winter is now appreciated more as a prelude to spring than for it's own merit. I'm trying to adjust my perceptions and feelings in order to give proper respect to each season, and am making some progress. I worked in the yard last Sunday when the high was only 31 degrees and it was quite invigorating. I'm remembering some of the good times I've had as a child playing outside in the cold, and also working outside cutting firewood and other winter chores when I was living in a home without central heat or air, enjoying almost every minute of it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's

New Years Day. Preparing the traditional stuff. Grateful to be at home. Finished Horace Kephart's posthumous novel Smoky Mountain Magic, which Frances gave me for Christmas. Very impressed. Had heard of it's existence but had just known Kephart as the writer of Our Southern Highlanders and Camping and Woodcraft. I guess that's only fair since he never published a novel in his lifetime. He had completed Smoky Mountain Magic and was looking to get it published at the time of his untimely death in 1931. The manuscript passed down through his family until this past year his great-granddaughter, Libby Kephart Hargrave, on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, worked to finally have the novel published, appropriately, by the Great Smoky Mountains Association.